Water Districts Information
After Hours Water Emergencys
Lead Service Line Inventory for the Towns Water Districts has been completed and submitted to the State. Copies may be viewed in the Clerks and Code Enforcement Office.
The Town has contracted with Hurd Development for the instalation of new water meters in all three districts. Hurd Development will be contacting homeowners after the first of the year to schedule times for the installation of these new meters.
Water service line testing instructions
Water Administrator
Stephen C. Smith Telephone: (607) 656-4191 ext. 214 [email protected] Water Administration Clerk Autumn Crumb Telephone: (607) 656-4191 ext. 213 [email protected] The Town of Greene water districts supply water to around 100 properties in three different districts. The water is purchased from the Village water department and then that cost plus administration expenses (mandatory water testing, meter reading, billing, repairs, Etc) are passed onto the property owners. These special districts are owned by the property owners and when you bought your lot and home you bought a share of the water and or sewer lines and facilities. New York State Law says that the Town Board must be responsible for administration and operation of these special districts. History District #1 ( S Chenango St Ext, Kofira Ln, NY 12) was formed in the early part of the 1900’s New pipes were laid in the 1957 and some lines were replaced and relocated in 1962-1964 when the relocation of State Hwy 12 to the by-pass was constructed. Further repairs and relocations were made when work was done to that part of Rt 12 in 2011. District #2 (Highland Park Subdivision) was officially formed in 1960 when Turner and Son who built the subdivision turned it over to the town on an “as built basis” as homes were still being added at the time. District #3 (Village line to Elementary Schools on Ct Rd 32 also known as Sunset Heights) Was a private owned system from around 1950- 1984. When then owner Harold Maider petitioned the board for a creation of a third water district. Sewer District #1 (Highland Park Subdivision) Was officially formed in 1974 when the sewer lines for the neighborhood were hooked to the existing Village lines and the subdivision’s septic system was abandoned. A house was eventually built on the lot where it once was. |